How to Set Garden Goals & Go to the Organic Growers School
Fer is hosting a garden goals blog carnival at My Little Garden in Japan and oh my gosh, do I ever have a lot to do this year! I’ve included info about the Organic Growers School in March since it always heralds my spring planning.
For the last three seasons I’ve jumped from garden to garden, so I haven’t been able to focus on long-term plans. This year my boyfriend is moving into the house I own (I currently live 9 houses away from it) and I’m excited about the sunny lot and potential to think ahead. But aside from a few perennials on the property it also means I’m starting over from scratch — again!

Photo Caption: We managed to pull this fantastic harvest from our brand new garden last year, so I'm hoping we can do it again! This year we'll even get eggs from our yard (the eggs and dairy in this picture came from a friend's farm) since we're adding backyard chickens.
One of the first things on the list was to trudge through my annual seed inventory. I’m one of those gardeners that can’t resist every shade, shape, and size in a catalog and I have 6 large, stuffed airtight containers of seeds to prove it. Keeping up with what I do and don’t have in stock can be chaotic.

Photo Caption: Trialing tomatoes started as an earnest project to find the best varieties for my region. I think it turned out to be habit-forming.
I do love my nightshades. I have far more tomato, eggplant, and pepper varieties than I can even grow at one time. Partly, it’s because I struggle to throw out viable seeds even if I think they’re duds. I wasn’t very impressed with ‘Red Target’, (hard as a rock) but the packet has at least 50 seeds left in it! Maybe I can talk myself into tossing them in the compost.
Last winter my boyfriend was appalled with my laborious process of writing every single seed packet I have in a notebook. Since he is infinitely handsome and clever (and sitting right here recommending “improvements” to my writing) he taught me a more efficient method of using spreadsheets. In theory, when I run out of seeds I can just update my spreadsheet to keep the list current.

Photo Caption: There are 63 entries in the tomato seed list we just made. Click on this photo to see a larger, legible image. I recorded the variety, source, year, # of seeds left, size, type, color, and other notes on performance.
If you don’t have spreadsheet software you can download a free copy of OpenOffice — that’s what I used and I found it had all the features I was accustomed to in the paid, brand-name versions.

Photo Caption: This is the tab with all my brassica greens (you can tell that I went nuts about bok choy in 2008). I like to label them by plant family since it helps with crop rotation.
Next stop: all the garden catalogs that have been arriving in the mail. I forced myself to hold off on ordering anything until I knew what I already have. I’m embarrassed of the many times I’ve ordered identical seeds from multiple sources because of my jumbled notes. Now that I have these spreadsheets I know definitively that I’m out of green beans, snow peas, parsley, and globe artichokes. I also know my cucumbers are getting on in years and may not germinate.
I want to order soon so that everything arrives before I do any seed starting. Last year I had some pepper seeds that didn’t show up until May!
And as you can see, that really put a damper on my pepper growing. Er…
My magnificent, astute, and astoundingly dapper boyfriend (he’s still sitting here) is also planning to build us a cold frame. Maybe this year I won’t be hauling all my seed trays in and out off the house depending on the weather. Since I don’t have room for artificial lights, using natural sunlight has been my most reliable method of getting sturdy, fast growing seedlings each spring.

Photo Caption: My mom has a small commercial composter near the back door and larger, unstructured piles in the farthest corner of the yard.
We’ll also be building compost bins this year. I like the idea of this self-aerating pile and this cheap version of a tumbler composter is cool, but we’ll probably build a tidy row of 3 – 4 bins like the top photo in this article. I’ve mostly composted without a bin but I think my neighbors will appreciate the contained method.
Since my squeamish mother can’t veto what happens at the other house, we’ll also be using homemade worm bins in the kitchen. Yay! I’ve really missed my worms. (To my mother’s credit, she let me put live ladybugs in the fridge… but drew the line at vermicomposting).

Photo Caption: We hope to start amending the red clay right away -- my goal is friable soil I can dig with my bare hands.
Even though I’ve gardened at this location in the past, my old vegetable beds are long gone. I’m not that sad about it since it means we can install a smarter design than I had before.

Photo Caption: The garden we built in my friend's yard this past season took advantage of the sun's path.
We already know from this past year that with determination we can put together raised beds cheaply and quickly. This yard once hosted an extensive vegetable garden, so it’s probable that the soil will still be better than average. The biggest problem will be weeds like ground ivy, which have taken over as “lawn” in my absence. Nature took care of that soft, fertile blank slate in a hurry.

Photo Caption: When I moved in with my mom we just expanded her flower beds to accommodate the vegetables. It looked pretty but was a pain to navigate with garden equipment. It also didn't use the sun to the best advantage. Pictured here is a rainbow of edible amaranth greens.
Another design consideration is that we want our new beds to be ornamental as well as functional. I’ve already filled pages of a large newsprint artist pad with geometric bed patterns and paths I can still fit a wheelbarrow through. Blueprints aren’t my thing, so we’ll see how it turns out.

Photo Caption: I can't wait to eat a pawpaw I grew myself. It would help if I'd stop moving away from the seedlings I've planted.
We must have fruit! The house is already endowed with a fig, peach, native cherry, pear, Asian pear, muscadines, an asparagus patch, and my family’s heirloom pomegranate tree. I planted them around 10 years ago so they’re very well established. We want to add 2 pawpaws, an Asian persimmon, cold-hardy citrus, a quince, 2 cherries (because I’m stubborn), 3 columnar apples, ‘Heritage’ raspberries, rabbiteye blueberries, goumi, 2 pineapple guava, gooseberries, strawberries, and fruiting roses.
It’s going to take a while for us to afford all that, so we’ll start with the larger, slower maturing fruit trees and work our way up.

Photo Caption: No roosters for us! It's legal to have backyard chickens in our city as long as they have enough room and they don't violate the noise ordinance. I'm pretty sure our chickens will be quieter than the neighbors' dogs and leaf blowers.
Most excitingly, we’re also getting backyard chickens! This is my second attempt — I had some on order a few years ago but then canceled it when I decided to move. We’re going to raise the usual order of 25 and give 21 of them to my friend for her farm. So, we get to choose 4 out of araucanas and cuckoo marans. I am so excited! In the meantime we are converting the underside of the deck into a chicken coop and building a backyard chicken tractor. I’m already fantasizing about the composting opportunities!

Photo Caption: Since the garden is such a short distance away (and my stepfather has become so enamored with beekeeping) we will be leaving this hive at my mother's house and replacing it with a new one.
I also have to start new bee hives. Moving bees to the new house involves taking them far enough away (3 miles or more) that they forget where they used to live and then moving them back again. We already tried that on another occasion and it wasn’t very successful. Talk about a pain! Instead, we’ll be starting with a new hive that my stepdad gave me for Christmas (because he wanted to steal mine…).

Photo Caption: This might be a southern cricket frog but I can't find my field guide at the moment. I suspect my daughter is using it for an art reference again. I took this photo by a stream in the Clemson Experimental Forest.
At this point you’re probably wondering how much we can cram into a single season. LOTS! We’re even talking about adding a small pond to encourage aquatic wildlife in the garden. That project is last on the todo list, though.

Photo Caption: Last year's Organic Growers School class on shiitake mushrooms was detailed enough to include a drilling and capping demonstration.
Number one on my list is attending the Organic Growers School the first weekend in March. I’ve never seen a better deal for a weekend conference before — only $40 a day if you register before February 17th! You can take up to 4 classes on each 7 hour class day.
Did I mention the classes are amazing? Since I’m going both days I get to choose 8 of them. Right now “Heirloom Apples and Your Incredible, Edible Yard,” “BioIntensive Agriculture for Urban Spaces,” “Pollinator Conservation on Farms,” and “Modern Homesteading: Retooling the Tradition” are catching my eye. I also recommend “Myco-Remediation of Contaminated Soil” since I’m friends with the instructor and know his programs to be top-notch.

Photo Caption: Last year we took a class called "Making Maple Syrup in the South." We learned that southeast native trees like red maples make high quality syrup and are easy to tap!
Even if the educational topics weren’t an inspiring thrill to attend, it’s so encouraging to see the masses of people who make the effort to go each year. Believe it or not, the Appalachian south is a hotbed of conservation!
If you don’t want to make your own maple syrup you can still try some from Maple Creek Farm in North Carolina. Better hurry, last year they sold out!
So, to recap:
- Organic Growers School
- Order seeds
- Start seeds
- Build a cold frame
- Build a set of compost bins
- Amend the soil
- Design a garden
- Plant fruit trees
- Build a chicken coop under the deck
- Get chickens
- Start a new beehive
- Build a small water feature for wildlife
Piece of cake, right? I guess y’all can give me a report card come next winter… and if I don’t make the grade I can always daydream myself into spring of 2012.
50 thoughts on “How to Set Garden Goals & Go to the Organic Growers School”
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Robin - January 16, 2011 4:46 pm
Geez, I got tired just reading all of the things you plan to do this year!
Your spreadsheet is similar to mine. I also have columns for germination & planting dates, where (here or plots), how many plants and harvest dates and weights. I never seem to keep up with the harvest dates and weights though. This year “The Italian” is going to have to enter that data.
I can’t believe that the Organic Growers School is in Ashville NC! My one best friend has a place in Ashville….I’m going to see if “The Italian” wants to go!! It would be a nice long weekend trip for us.
.-= Robin´s last blog ..Tomato Planning & varieties for 2011 =-.
Twitter: appalachianfeet
- January 20, 2011 12:53 pm
Noooooo! It’s not tiring when it’s what you love… you know that! Anyway, gardeners who also keep seed spreadsheets have no room to talk.
I’m so glad you might go to the Organic Growers School! You’ll love it.
.-= Sustainahillbilly´s last blog ..How to “Chickenfy” Your Life Real Things Thursdays =-.
Carolyn @ Carolyn's Shade Gardens - January 16, 2011 6:18 pm
Eliza, You remind me so much of myself in earlier gardening days: starting everything from seed, 15 different tomatoes, 20 different peppers, canning, freezing, building raised beds, dragging those seed trays outside and in with the weather, pouring over catalogues, reading down home gardening books plus Organic Gardening magazine. All so much fun. Then I started my nursery and, although I love it, one of the downsides is no time. There are rare hellebore species planted in my raised beds! Carolyn
.-= Carolyn @ Carolyn’s Shade Gardens´s last blog ..New Shade Perennials for 2011 =-.
Twitter: appalachianfeet
- January 20, 2011 12:57 pm
Haha, hellebore raised beds.
I think I like Mother Earth News better than the new Organic Gardening Magazine (but the old OGM was awesome).
Sounds like a nursery is an equally big project.
.-= Sustainahillbilly´s last blog ..How to “Chickenfy” Your Life Real Things Thursdays =-.
Twitter: lifeshighway
- January 16, 2011 7:12 pm
Eliza, oh my gosh you make me tired with your enthusiasm for projects. Your blog is going to be very interesting this year as you begin obtaining your very busy goals. I am rooting for you (ha garden humor)
.-= lifeshighway´s last blog ..The Big House =-.
Twitter: appalachianfeet
- January 20, 2011 1:04 pm
Maybe I can add acquiring some yard art to the list… is it cheating if I submit my own yard? 😉
makarimi - January 17, 2011 12:43 am
Hi Eliza…wow so many things in your planing this year, and you plan it very well. I really interested to know the progress of your project. I’m just scratch my log book and still thinking what I will do this year. My new garden still in the progress of clearing and flatten the area. I’m just start with germinating the seeds. Good luck!
Twitter: appalachianfeet
- January 20, 2011 1:09 pm
I need to get my cold season vegetable transplants started — good for you that you’re already starting seeds!
Diana - January 17, 2011 1:20 am
Oh my that is a very long list Eliza. You will be very busy and productive this year. I simply cannot keep up :). But I should make a seed inventory list soon because I am planning to order some seeds soon. I just checked our excess home-saved seed recently to avoid buying it.
.-= Diana´s last blog ..Our one and only Garden Arch =-.
Twitter: appalachianfeet
- January 20, 2011 1:12 pm
I really enjoy the process of going through my seed inventory each year… don’t the packets just feel like gold?
I hope you order some great stuff this season (and congrats on having home-saved seeds).
.-= Sustainahillbilly´s last blog ..How to “Chickenfy” Your Life Real Things Thursdays =-.
Twitter: wHfDUNvzJQHdptvBav
- May 15, 2011 8:18 pm
I bow down humbly in the perecsne of such greatness.
Tasty Travels - January 17, 2011 3:14 am
I started logging my seeds on excel last year since I started collecting so many. I love all your tomatoes and peppers! Wow you have some amazing goals for this year! I can’t wait to see your progress!
.-= Tasty Travels´s last blog ..Gardening- Project Grow Onions from Seed – Day 7 =-.
Twitter: appalachianfeet
- January 20, 2011 1:15 pm
Thanks! We should start a club for gardeners who need seed spreadsheets, huh?
Janet/Plantaliscious - January 17, 2011 5:03 am
I’m exhausted just reading that list! I’m also very comforted that I am not the only one to use spreadsheets to list and manage my vast seed collection. I currently engaged in a battle with myself about how many of what type of new seed to order. First step – list what I already have. But I am surrounded by beautiful images of must-have plants…
BTW, I’d personally bump the wildlife pond up the list, even a small one makes an enormous difference to the wildlife and just attracting frogs to help keep the snail population down is worth it.
.-= Janet/Plantaliscious´s last blog ..The emerging anatomy of my allotment =-.
Twitter: appalachianfeet
- January 20, 2011 1:18 pm
It’s nice to hear a personal recommendation for the wildlife pond. I’d like to bump it up the list but I think it might be a more financially straining project than some of the others we’re working on. I do hope to get one in before 2012, though!
p3chandan - January 17, 2011 6:21 am
Wow! That is one longgg to-do list this year! Im amazed and envious how much produce you got from your garden last year..fantastic! Your detailed spreadsheets are mind bongling (is it the right word?)at least to me, how the heck you find so much time with your gardening?
.-= p3chandan´s last blog ..World Garden Carnival Jan 2011 =-.
Twitter: appalachianfeet
- January 20, 2011 1:26 pm
That is the right word, I’ve used it today, too! I think gardening takes up nearly all of my spare time, but since it is so fun I don’t mind a bit.
Anna - January 17, 2011 8:28 am
It makes me excited for spring just reading your post! I’ve got a couple of tips from being in the same boat you’re in:
Go ahead and treat yourself to those Heritage Raspberries this year. You need some immediate fruit gratification, and I found that the one small Caroline Raspberry plant I slipped into an order of fruit trees our first year was the best idea ever — it has since taken over my berry patch and that of my friends and family and it provides copious fruits. It even started fruiting the first year if I remember right!
Why not give those extra seeds away? I felt a bit bad about giving away seeds that I considered duds, until I realized that they probably just weren’t suited to our climate/soil/whatever. Folks I gave them to sure didn’t complain.
I’m sure your blog readers wouldn’t mind a giveaway.
.-= Anna´s last blog ..Anna- Dead hive =-.
Twitter: appalachianfeet
- January 20, 2011 1:29 pm
Sold! I will definitely go ahead with the raspberries. I like the seed giveaway idea, too — though I might try trading them on GardenWeb first.
.-= Sustainahillbilly´s last blog ..How to “Chickenfy” Your Life Real Things Thursdays =-.
Fâneur Gardening
Twitter: flaneurgarden
- January 17, 2011 11:00 am
Sounds like you have your work cut out for you, but it also sounds like you will end up with a wonderful garden at the end of it if you manage even half of your projects.
And chickens… I bought 4 chickens when I was about 10 years and I loved them dearly and was quite saddened some years ago when my parents finally stopped keeping chickens due to the avian flu and restrictions on outdoor bird-keeping. I have fond memories of studying for my high school exams on the lawn with the chickens desperately trying to get me to feed them, rather than read my text books. (They often succeeded.)
.-= Fâneur Gardening´s last blog ..Plans for 2011 =-.
Twitter: appalachianfeet
- January 20, 2011 2:24 pm
Haha, sounds like the birds were educated about how to get what they wanted from you. I’m sorry your parents are restricted from keeping them now.
Marguerite - January 17, 2011 12:16 pm
I thought I had a big list, this is huge, and very exciting. Chickens and bees! I’m excited to see each of these projects come to fruition.
Twitter: appalachianfeet
- January 20, 2011 2:28 pm
Thanks! Your list is excellent too — I like any project that involves replacing lawn with food.
.-= Sustainahillbilly´s last blog ..How to “Chickenfy” Your Life Real Things Thursdays =-.
Alistair - January 17, 2011 12:47 pm
Not make the grade, your kidding! With enthusiasm like this you can do and achieve whatever your heart desires. Oh for the enthusiasm of the young.
.-= Alistair´s last blog ..In Pursuit of Perfection =-.
Twitter: appalachianfeet
- January 20, 2011 2:29 pm
Haha, well thanks for the vote of confidence!
Twitter: flora
- January 17, 2011 1:07 pm
Eliza, Your harvest is very impressive and colorful! I enjoyed reading about your plans for your new garden. I hope your chickens and bees thrive too in your new/old home and garden. I had to chuckle when reading about what you store in your refrigerator! Happy planning!
.-= Carolflowerhill´s last blog ..Bird Review Part Vll Parenting Tree Swallows and Fledglings =-.
Twitter: appalachianfeet
- January 20, 2011 2:31 pm
Thanks! I figure we’ve all found forgotten food items on the back of the fridge shelf that are more gross than keeping live insects dormant.
Zoe / pearled earth - January 17, 2011 3:23 pm
Those garden beds you built last year look beautiful! As does your colorful harvest. And your plans are inspiring. Regarding stashes of seeds you don’t want to plant again, I recommend mixing them together and dumping them in an empty lot or disturbed area somewhere… It feels sort of hopeful and mischievous all at once
.-= Zoe / pearled earth´s last blog ..The Princess and the Pea =-.
Twitter: appalachianfeet
- January 20, 2011 2:37 pm
Yeah! Kind of like guerrilla gardening.
.-= Sustainahillbilly´s last blog ..How to “Chickenfy” Your Life Real Things Thursdays =-.
Twitter: breadbuttercups
- January 17, 2011 3:38 pm
I just love that you’re so organized about testing which nightshades are best for your region. Tomatoes definitely don’t do that well in Seattle, but maybe I could take a similar approach with blueberry and leafy green varieties in my garden. Looking forward to seeing your garden in the spring!
.-= Lorraine´s last blog ..My First Food Sensitivity =-.
Twitter: appalachianfeet
- January 20, 2011 2:40 pm
Thanks! I wish I had the room to test blueberries or that leafy greens appreciated our hot summers.
Elaine - January 17, 2011 10:12 pm
What an ambitious garden list for you this year! I am sure you will get it all done. I hope I can become as organized about gardening – I have no idea what seeds I have and find myself buying them because I like the packaging or it is a flower or vegetable I haven’t grown before…I like your boyfriend’s spreadsheet idea and think I will give it a try. I really do need to see what I have before I start buying more. It sure is hard to resist all those catalogs that are arriving now though!
Your harvest from last year looks wonderful!
.-= Elaine´s last blog ..BAKED Sunday Morning- Farm Stand Buttermilk Doughnuts =-.
Twitter: appalachianfeet
- January 20, 2011 2:45 pm
It is hard! Plus my seed boxes are already stuffed to the gills so it is a problem when I have duplicate packs of the same thing.
Glossy photos are such downfalls (and joys).
.-= Sustainahillbilly´s last blog ..How to “Chickenfy” Your Life Real Things Thursdays =-.
Twitter: mygardeninjapan
- January 18, 2011 7:14 am
So many great projects! So many things to do and lots of aspects to your garden, they are all great! also I had no idea you had bees, it must be so cool.
I am sure all your resolutions will go just the way you want to. Wish you the best for this starting year!
.-= fer´s last blog ..World garden blog carnival Gardening for the new year =-.
Twitter: appalachianfeet
- January 20, 2011 2:47 pm
Thanks! I’m feeling really optimistic about it (great blog carnival idea too — I doubt I’d have thought to write this post, otherwise).
island threads - January 18, 2011 10:25 am
Eliza you sound so excited it’s wonderful, I have been thinking I must list my seeds a spreadsheet is a good idea I must do it too, I ventured into growing something to eat last year and really enjoyed so hope to do more this year you are an inspiration, thanks, Frances
.-= island threads´s last blog ..a carnival of garden resolutions =-.
Twitter: appalachianfeet
- January 20, 2011 2:48 pm
Yay for growing edible things! I love hearing about other people growing food.
noel - January 18, 2011 3:04 pm
what a very well detailed plan, i’m awestruck that you write and plan everything to a T…kudo’s to you and what an amazing collection of peppers btw
thanks for sharing that and showing us your garden today
.-= noel´s last blog ..What a Sweet Place =-.
Twitter: appalachianfeet
- January 20, 2011 2:52 pm
I didn’t think of myself as someone who plans everything to a T until you said that — now that you mention it I guess I’m not as unorganized as I thought. Thanks!
.-= Sustainahillbilly´s last blog ..How to “Chickenfy” Your Life Real Things Thursdays =-.
ann - January 19, 2011 5:31 pm
WOW. I am really amazed at all that you do. I especially like the raised beds. Good luck on your 2011 plans. cheers. ann
Twitter: appalachianfeet
- January 20, 2011 2:56 pm
Thanks! Good luck to you as well.
Rebecca Nickols - January 20, 2011 10:27 am
Now that’s a long list, but I can tell you love all your gardening projects! My husband and I are going to a beekeeping class next month and planning on purchasing the bees sometime this spring. It looks like you have them close to your garden, that’s my plan also. Chickens are great, you’ll love them! Thanks for sharing your resolutions
.-= Rebecca Nickols´s last blog ..Butterfly Garden Plot =-.
Twitter: appalachianfeet
- January 20, 2011 3:03 pm
Yep, and it’s not work when you love it! Good for you about the beekeeping class — I’d just caution to point the front of your hive so that it isn’t aiming a stream of bees directly at the garden. They’ll find it on their own so it isn’t worthwhile to have to walk through their hive flight path.
.-= Sustainahillbilly´s last blog ..How to “Chickenfy” Your Life Real Things Thursdays =-.
Lrong - January 21, 2011 9:18 pm
My oh my… you are really loaded with ideas and plans… your harvests look absolutely fantastic… I droll at your chicken plans… my fingers itch upon reading about your bees… all these, I want to try out, especially the chickens… for bees, I need to find a mentor first… my oh my, I am impressed…
.-= Lrong ´s last blog ..Assignments for the coming season =-.
Elephant's Eye - January 22, 2011 6:18 am
This is for your daughter –
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever does – Margaret Mead
.-= Elephant’s Eye´s last undefined ..Response cached until Sat 22 @ 11:21 GMT (Refreshes in 3 Minutes) =-.
patty - January 23, 2011 11:25 am
Sounds like you might have some time left over to help me in my garden 😉 I admire your energy and enthusiasm.
Wendy - January 24, 2011 1:47 am
THese sound like really fun and great goals for the year. That would be cook to learn how to drill and cap for the mushrooms or to make maple syrup.
Ihad to laugh at your mom’s squeamishness and your worm bin and ladybugs in the fridge.
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