How to Enjoy Your (Nontoxic) Poinsettia Beyond its Beauty
I live in Greenville, SC — as did Joel Roberts Poinsett (1779 – 1851) for parts of his life. His Greenville plantations near White Horse Road were equipped with hothouses for botanical study.
Sometime between 1825 – 1830, these hothouses were the recipient of Euphorbia pulcherrima specimens he collected in the Taxco de Alarcón region while serving as American Minister to Mexico. Franciscan priests in the Taxco area were already using poinsettias in a nativity celebration called the Fiesta of Santa Pesebre, but this was the first time they had been seen in North America. From Poinsett’s plantation the plant was widely distributed to fellow horticulture enthusiasts and botanical gardens in the US and abroad. By 1836, most Americans were calling this colorful spurge the “poinsettia.”

Photo Caption: Poinsett's astonishing list of life accomplishments have little to do with his hobby of botany. It includes terms in the South Carolina state legislature and the US Congress, Chairman of the Board of Public Works, American Minister to Mexico, and Chairman of War (which represents a grim period in his life since his "war" responsibilities were overseeing the removal of Native Americans). Photo from Wikimedia Commons.
Gardeners think of euphorbias as great landscape perennials with chartreuse blooms or as annuals with tiny white flower sprays. A few of us even think of them as aggravating weeds. Though it sounds like scientific Latin, “poinsettia” is simply a common name for a member of this family. Euphorbias, including poinsettias, utilize colored bracts (modified leaves) instead of petals to draw attention to their less significant flowers.
If you’ve ever tried to keep your poinsettia for a year to allow it to bloom the following Christmas, you may have discovered that Euphorbia pulcherrima requires photoperiodism (a time of darkness) before its bracts will develop their festive colors. With any luck you didn’t discover this after nursing a mite-ridden, scraggly plant on your windowsill for months only to have it repay you by staying green all winter.

Photo Caption: The choice of poinsettia hues is no longer restricted to red, though it is still the most popular color. This pink poinsettia was photographed at Country Boys Nursery on Wade Hampton Blvd in Greenville, SC.
Poinsettias are most associated with their traditional rich red, but they also come in pink, white, cream, green, or orange. These colors can be combined as speckled, marbled, and bicolor patterns.
Since the early 1900’s, the Ecke family of Encinitas, California controlled the majority of the poinsettia market. The Eckes used a grafting technique that created full, bushy plants more desirable to consumers. Other growers began using the grafting method in 1990, but the Eckes still sell around 50% of the world’s poinsettias.

Photo Caption: The American Association of Poison Control Centers say there have been no fatalities related to poinsettia consumption and that few cases even warrant medical treatment. People with latex allergies may find the sap irritating.
Poinsettias were sold as cut flowers until the modern greenhouse culture started in 1923. Americans spent $248 million on poinsettias in 2004, with most plants selling for an average of $6 – $8. Pricier designer cultivars began emerging after 1967 with varied colors, marbling, and even cosmetic alterations in the form of paint or glitter. These costumed flowers sell well, but I prefer my plants au naturel.
Glitzy paints aren’t the only way to alter a poinsettia’s look. Much like the sought-after bulbs from the tulip craze, the showiest poinsettias are achieved through breeding plants with phytoplasmas, a bacterial parasite that is often species-specific.
- Photo Caption: Joel Poinsett’s extensive traveling made him an advocate of decent roadways. A historic segment of the road from Charleston, SC through the mountains (built while Poinsett was Director of the SC Board of Public Works) still exists at the Poinsett Bridge Heritage Preserve in Travelers Rest, SC. It’s one of my family’s favorite quickie destinations in the summertime due to the air-conditioning effect of the creek.
The scientist who originally named this plant didn’t think it needed any help looking good. The botanical name Euphorbia pulcherrima translates to “the most beautiful euphorbia.” Even among such a large genus I can’t disagree!
Called cuetlaxochitl by the Aztecs, poinsettias were a symbol of purity and also had ancient uses as a cosmetic and textile dye. It was even used medicinally as a fever reducer.

Photo Caption: Variegated leaves combined with glowing bracts may be brighter than your neighbor's front yard lights display!
It didn’t take long for humans to become enamored with the striking appearance of Euphorbia pulcherrima, but the earliest known association it has with Christmas is a 16th century Mexican story. The legend tells about a poor child who wants to give a gift to the baby Jesus. When the other children laugh at the modest present, the plant miraculously transforms into a beautiful poinsettia.

Photo Caption: In the wild, poinsettias are small-stature perennial trees that can reach up to 16' in height. Photo from Wikimedia Commons.
Another bit of interesting history is that poinsettias aren’t poisonous — it’s an urban legend persisting from the year 1919! You’d have to consume 1.25 lbs of poinsettia bracts per 50 lbs of human body weight to exceed the nontoxic amounts used in tests, and even then, vomiting would be the most disagreeable symptom.
Poinsettias are reported to taste disgustingly bitter so sane creatures rarely munch more than a single bract or leaf. However, I know some of you are host to “special” pets that would probably eat concrete unsupervised. It’s still a good idea to keep inedible items out of reach, but you can rest assured that even if a tenacious pet consumes your entire plant, your biggest worry will likely be replacing the holiday centerpiece (or perhaps getting a stain out of the rug).

Photo Caption: Most poinsettias are bred for large, showy bracts but this petal pink variety has numerous small ones.
How do we know it isn’t poisonous? It’s one of the most-tested plants by scientific institutions. Go science!
Speaking of science, the ambitious Joel Poinsett also receives some credit for the existence of the Smithsonian Institute. Though James Smithson is the donor who bequeathed the $508,318 (around $15,000,000 today) to be used for the “increase and diffusion of knowledge” in the US, Joel Poinsett is credited with the suggestion of using this money to found a national museum institution.
- Photo Caption: Poinsett was a co-founder of the National Institute for the Promotion of Science and the Useful Arts. Though his organization did not receive the money from the Smithson bequest, Poinsett’s ideas helped inspire the creation of the current Smithsonian Institute. Photo from Wikimedia Commons.
Poinsett left no family to succeed him after his death, so perhaps it is even more fitting that this flower has become his namesake. Moreover, poinsettias can be easily found in all the lands he traveled to in life — a family heirloom for our holiday tables!
When I look at poinsettias this Christmas I won’t be able to help noticing their extravagant beauty… but I’ll also be thinking of their historical connection to my city, to the past, and to the world.
I’d like to remind everyone that the deadline to submit your post written about a favorite food or ornamental plant to How to Find Great Plants is December 31st!
26 thoughts on “How to Enjoy Your (Nontoxic) Poinsettia Beyond its Beauty”
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Curbstone Valley Farm - December 21, 2010 7:28 pm
I agree, they’re not poisonous, but for pets they’re not always completely harmless. When consumed, some dogs occasionally end up with nasty GI upset, and some seem more sensitive to the irritant effects than others. It’s still good to keep them out of Fido’s reach when possible! However, that holiday cheese, whipped cream, or Christmas tinsel is more likely to send the family pooch to the vet this holiday season! Happy Holidays!
.-= Curbstone Valley Farm´s last blog ..Arboreal Salamander =-.
Twitter: appalachianfeet
- December 22, 2010 8:38 am
Thanks! It may be the same as for humans who have latex allergies — they’re supposed to be more sensitive to poinsettias. I have a cat that gets an upset stomach from some brands of cat food so I can easily believe there are pets that won’t do well eating a bitter plant.
.-= Sustainahillbilly´s last blog ..How to Enjoy Your Nontoxic Poinsettia Beyond its Beauty =-.
Zoe / pearled earth - December 21, 2010 8:30 pm
How interesting to see the poinsettia tree! I love seeing exotics in their natural habitat, where they grow woody year after year. Happy holidays, Eliza.
Twitter: appalachianfeet
- December 22, 2010 12:21 pm
Thanks, and Happy Holidays to you, too!
Kat - December 21, 2010 9:44 pm
Marvelous plants! When I first moved to Los Angeles (I live in Travelers Rest now) I was struck with awe by the huge poinsettia (at least 15 feet) growing in the courtyard of my apartment. I wish everyone could see them growing this way – and not just as the much loved Christmas decoration! Great post! Happy Holidays!
Twitter: appalachianfeet
- December 22, 2010 12:12 pm
Thanks! I’d love to see that, too. Right now I have to content myself with photos. Happy Holidays!
.-= Sustainahillbilly´s last blog ..How to Enjoy Your Nontoxic Poinsettia Beyond its Beauty =-.
Donna - December 21, 2010 11:02 pm
This was such an interesting, historical account. I never saw them in the wild before. They do grow as trees that look like weeds.
.-= Donna´s last blog ..The Gnomes Take on Santa in Numbers =-.
Twitter: appalachianfeet
- December 22, 2010 12:16 pm
Yeah,the tree form is pretty shrubby. It reminds me of rose-of-Sharon hibiscus or figs.
.-= Sustainahillbilly´s last blog ..How to Enjoy Your Nontoxic Poinsettia Beyond its Beauty =-.
Erin Jones - December 22, 2010 9:32 am
Loved your article, Anne! Have a wonderful Christmas!
Twitter: appalachianfeet
- December 22, 2010 12:16 pm
Merry Christmas to you, too!
Janet - December 22, 2010 9:49 am
Eliza, what a great posting! I will have to explore a bit more in Greenville and Traveler’s Rest. Wonderful information.
.-= Janet´s last blog ..In Honor of The Great Backyard Bird Count =-.
Twitter: appalachianfeet
- December 22, 2010 12:20 pm
I feel like I should take a trip to York County to see that ironwood tree in your recent post!
.-= Sustainahillbilly´s last blog ..How to Enjoy Your Nontoxic Poinsettia Beyond its Beauty =-.
tina - December 22, 2010 6:57 pm
What a great deal of information and helpful too! I was successful the second year with getting a poinsettia to bloom but this year I think I have finally killed it due to lack of water:( I’m just not good with the houseplant thing.
Merry Christmas to you!
.-= tina´s last blog ..Christmas Memories and Best Wishes to You All =-.
Twitter: appalachianfeet
- December 28, 2010 11:53 pm
It sounds like you’re better at poinsettias than me!
.-= Sustainahillbilly´s last blog ..How to Use Snow to Locate Microclimates & HtFGP Deadline =-.
Carolyn @ Carolyn's Shade Gardens - December 22, 2010 8:22 pm
Really enjoyed your detailed exportation of poinsettias. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Carolyn
.-= Carolyn @ Carolyn’s Shade Gardens´s last blog ..Fall-blooming Camellias Part 2 =-.
Diana - December 23, 2010 12:49 am
Hi, I enjoyed reading your post and learning the history of this flower. I would like to wish you and your family a joyful Christmas.
.-= Diana´s last blog ..At the other side of the fence December update =-.
Robin - December 23, 2010 7:23 am
Great informative post! Have a Wonderful Holiday!
.-= Robin´s last blog ..The Garden on the First Day of Winter =-.
Rose - December 24, 2010 8:44 am
A fascinating post, Eliza! While I knew a little about the poinsettia, I certainly didn’t know all the history about its origins. I’m glad to know, too, that it really isn’t that poisonous. I keep mine up on a high windowsill so the dog isn’t tempted, and the cats leave it alone.
Best wishes for a very Merry Christmas!
.-= Rose´s last blog ..Wildflower Wednesday- Holiday Review Edition =-.
Twitter: plantpostings
- December 26, 2010 6:26 pm
Very informative post about Poinsettias! I learned a lot. Thanks!
Cat - December 27, 2010 4:01 pm
Greatly interesting! I’ve never seen a poinsettia tree – thanks for sharing. I hope you’re enjoying the holiday season!
.-= Cat´s last blog ..Merry Christmas! =-.
Alistair - December 28, 2010 9:50 am
What a fantastic in-depth journal on Poinsettias. I did not even know they were a form of Euphorbia of which I know that the sap from the stems can be severely irritating.
.-= Alistair´s last blog ..Lobelia Hadspen Purple =-.
Twitter: appalachianfeet
- December 28, 2010 6:12 pm
I think some of the other euphorbias are much more poisonous, which is probably where poinsettias got the bad reputation in the first place.
Pingback: How to Use Snow to Locate Microclimates (& HtFGP Deadline) | Appalachian Feet
Twitter: mygardeninjapan
- December 29, 2010 7:20 am
Great post! In mexico they do grow big as trees, but depending on the type they are bushy or not, I have seen some really tree looking there, they are very nice.
We do have a lot of stories about the origin of the poinsettia, that one started when the Spanish conquered and tried to change the Aztec traditions to catholic ones.
Other story I like says that back in ancient times there was a huge war where a lot of blood was spilled. So much that the flowers got stained with red. The gods seeing how so many warriors from both sides fought very bravely, decided to make the colors permanent to honor them, and also to remind people to keep the peace. so every year around the time of the battle the plants turn red again.
.-= fer´s last blog ..Bauhinia blakeana The Hong Kong orchid tree 香港蘭 =-.
Esther Montgomery - December 30, 2010 7:31 pm
I bought a poinsettia for the first time ever, this year – and had to pick off a whole load of brackts because they had some kind of mining insect in them. The result is lopsided but cheerful! Esther
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